Baby showers are a time to celebrate the expectant parents-to-be and the baby on the way. There are usually snacks, cakes, games, and decorations in a cute baby theme and lots of love. It is a time that friends and family look forward to so that they can spoil the parents before the baby arrives.
But how much should you spend on the baby shower gift? This is probably the single most nerve-wracking decision to be made by a guest. This article will help you figure out how much to spend on a baby shower gift and what sorts of gifts you can give new parents, the mom-to-be, and the new baby at the baby shower party.
How Much to Spend on Baby Shower Gift?
There is no hard and fast rule on how much should be spent on baby shower gifts. There are, however, many factors that go into making that decision. We will break them down for you now so that you can show up to the baby shower confident that your gift is great and that you spent an appropriate amount.

1. Your Own Financial Situation
You should never put yourself in debt to buy a gift for a baby shower or any other party. New parents typically appreciate a lovely gift but stay within your budget if you do not have extra money to spend on a baby shower gift.
If the mom-to-be or parents-to-be know you well, they will understand that you are a student, just starting on your own, have your own family to support, or have other struggles. Most of the time, parents-to-be will appreciate your presence at their celebration more than anything. Do not break your bank account on a gift. We will discuss cheap baby shower gifts you can give later in this article.
2. How Close Are You to the New Parents or Mom to Be?
If the expectant mother or father is a close friend, you are probably expected to pay a little more than a work acquaintance, new friend, or distant relative. New parents depend a lot on the support of those closest to them when they are expecting a new baby, and it is usually these close friends and family shell out a bit more money for the bigger items on the baby registry. Often the average for close friends and family is anywhere between $50-$150, depending on how close they are and what your financial situation looks like.
You are typically not expected to purchase the big-ticket items from the registry if you are a coworker, acquaintance, or more distant relative and are not particularly close to the parents-to-be. Often, a middle-of-the-road or even inexpensive gift is perfectly acceptable for the baby shower. Often anything between $20 and $40 is more than enough for someone you are not close to.
3. How Many Children Do Expectant Parents Have?
If this is the first child for a couple or the mother-to-be, then the chances are that they do not have a lot of supplies and items needed for a new baby. It is typically expected to spend a little more on a parent’s first baby shower gift versus a gift for a second or third child. Each baby brought into the world should be celebrated, as should their parents. Still, with each progressive baby shower, you can usually assume that the parents already have most of the bigger items like a crib, baby bedding, stroller, high chair, etc.
When a baby shower is thrown for a subsequent child, it is called a “sprinkle,” and the gifts are usually smaller and include the essentials needed to take care of a new baby. This is where a baby shower gift basket can be a great and helpful way to give things to the parents. You can make up a baby shower gift basket full of diapers, wipes, baby soaps and lotions, baby clothes, and other smaller items often needed when the parents already have the big items.
The Exception to the Rule
You may be expected to shell out a bit more money on a bigger or more expensive item for a subsequent baby shower gift is when you are a close friend or family member to the expectant parents, and there is a significant age gap between the new baby and the last baby.
Most larger items needed for a baby are, well, large. They require a lot of storage space when you are finished using them, and often gift these gently used items to other parents who need them when their child has finished using them. If there is a significant age gap between their last child and the one on the way, there is a chance that they no longer have those bigger items like a crib. You can check the baby registry to see what sorts of gifts the new parents are asking for, or contact them yourself and ask them.
4. The Baby Registry
Sometimes new parents are particular or want to choose the bigger or smaller items rather than receiving them as baby shower gifts. It is always good to check the store’s registry where they are registered to find out what sorts of price ranges and items they are hoping to receive. While you do not have to stick to the registry, it is a great way to get an idea of what baby shower gift the new parents would need, and it will help you get a better idea of what to spend.
Accessing a Registry
The baby shower invitations will often include links or websites to look up that have the registry items listed. Sometimes a couple or mother only registers for one store or asks for cash so that they can purchase what they want. This information is usually printed on the baby shower invitations and contains the necessary information to find the specific registry once you arrive at the store or online site. If it is not, you will need to ask the parents, grandparents, or the person throwing the baby shower for this information.
Gifts for New Moms That Aren’t for the Baby
Baby showers are not just for the baby. Keep in mind that the new mom has been dealing with the ups and downs of pregnancy and will soon have to go through the challenges of childbirth and the postpartum period. A great idea, along with a gift for a baby at the baby shower, is a thoughtful gift for the new mom.

A Themed Gift Basket
You could make up a small gift basket for the new mom that is themed in different ways to let the new mother know people care for her well-being too. Having a baby is hard work, and moms should be celebrated. It is easy to lose sight of that and focus on those adorable babies once they are here, but keeping mom in mind when you present gifts at the baby shower is a great idea.
1. Relaxation Basket
Fill a small basket with a comfortable robe, slippers, lotions, body wash, candies, snacks, or other things you think will help the new mom unwind and relax after giving birth.
2. Breastfeeding Basket
If the new mom plans to breastfeed, you can fill a basket with nipple shields, nipple balm, breast pads, comfy nursing pajamas, and nursing snacks rich in fiber and healthy fats. Also, maybe a subscription to a streaming service, a good book, or other entertainment. A lot of time is spent nursing, and moms need some entertainment while on maternity leave and nursing their newborns.
3. Wine Night Basket
For wine lovers, a great gift idea is to make a “wine night basket” that can be given before the baby comes for use after the baby’s arrival. You can get a bottle of mom’s favorite wine and have a label that says, “Do Not Open Until After (Due Date).” This, along with some sausage, a wine stopper, corkscrew, and wine glass, is a great way to remind the new mom that she will be back to her own self in no time and will get to enjoy that glass of wine she has been missing since she has been pregnant.
Cheap Baby Shower Gift Ideas
If you are looking to spend less money on a baby shower gift, do not worry. There are many options for cheap gifts that you can give that will be loved by the new parents. You do not have to break your bank account to give a great gift.

1. Group Gifts
When you do not have much to spend but would like to give a great baby shower gift, group gifts are a fantastic way to do it. Gather up a group of friends or other family members and decide how much to spend each. Then, look on the registry, choose a big-ticket item, and split the cost.
This is great for buying expensive baby gear that can be used throughout a baby’s life, often right into toddlerhood and beyond. The gift registry can be your starting point. Just get together with your best friends, coworkers, or family members and choose a group gift for the parents-to-be. Be sure to get a gift receipt as well.
2. Diaper Cake
A smaller gift that is also cute and can be used as a decor piece is a diaper cake. This act of gift-giving is not only generous and less expensive than things like baby gear and cribs, but it also shows off your DIY skills.
You can arrange diapers in a tiered fashion to make a cake as large as you prefer. Most people then stick various baby items into this cake to add a pop of color or whim. Some popular options include baby bottles, digital thermometers, soaps, ointments, bottle brushes, nail clippers, and baby oils. A new parent will surely appreciate the time you invested into it.
Do Not Feel Obligated to Overextend Your Finances
You can give the perfect present without going into debt. There are almost always expensive items on a registry, but the mom and dad-to-be do not expect everyone to buy a rocking chair, car seats, changing tables, and cribs. The most important thing is that you show up and are there to celebrate the coming of a bundle of joy. Unless you are a close relative who has already promised big-ticket items, only give what you can provide.
When to Have Baby Shower?
If you are an expectant parent and are planning a baby shower, you may be wondering when it is appropriate to do so. While there is no iron-clad rule to follow when it comes to the date for the party, there are some things you should consider when choosing the date.

Not Too Soon or Too Late
If you throw the shower too soon before delivery, you will have to store all the items until after the baby comes. While many parents are excited to set everything up, clutter around the house can be stressful. You also do not want to have your party too soon and then find out closer to your due date that there were items you would have rather had than what you registered for and received. Give yourself time to choose carefully.
On the other hand, you do not want to throw the shower too close to your due date. Most babies do not arrive on their due date, and waiting until the last minute to have your baby shower can result in a baby being here to attend its own shower.
Another thing to consider is the holidays. You may need to work around major holidays and avoid throwing your shower too close to these dates. This will ensure that more guests will attend your party. For example, you cannot throw a baby shower two days before Christmas and expect everyone to attend. People plan well for most holidays, so steer clear of these dates.
If you live in a cold or especially warm climate, you may want to consider the weather when planning your shower. For example, if you are due in the spring, you may have some weather issues if there is a snowstorm and you throw your shower in the wintertime. When planning the shower, keep the weather, climate, and travel conditions in mind to ensure that more people will attend.