A common question you may have within the first few weeks of having your baby is: Can you overfeed a baby? And the short answer here is that you can. It’s actually a very common issue, especially in bottle-fed babies, although it does occur in breastfed babies as well.
Breast milk is full of nutrients and fat that your child needs to be a healthy baby, so it’s natural to want to nurse your newborn for as long as possible or pressure your newborn into nursing when it’s been a little while, and they haven’t nursed.
Bottle feeding is even easier to overfeed, as too much milk can come out due to the flow of the bottle nipple, and the baby is pressured to consume more than their little tummy can handle.
Due to baby’s milk intake being too much for their age, infants are often fussy and mistakenly diagnosed with colic or an intolerance for their breast milk or formula.
Can you overfeed a newborn?
Newborns who are bottle feeding are more likely to be overfed babies. This is because a baby’s sucking reflex is very strong as a newborn, and they will typically suck on anything put into their mouths. Often, the chosen thing given is a bottle.
Parents worry that newborns are so tiny and need more milk to grow and thrive, so they may tend to overfeed a baby. And due to the active sucking reflex of a newborn, it’s very easy to mistake a baby’s cues and assume that they’re hungry rather than just bored, soothing, or tired.
Infants up to three months of age are especially at risk for overfeeding. Parents get into feeding patterns and tend to stick with watching the clock to be sure that their baby eats and can lose sight of the fact that sometimes, the baby’s hunger has been satisfied with the last feeding and they have had enough milk.
Can you overfeed a breastfed baby?
You can overfeed any baby. It’s easier to overfeed a bottle-fed baby than a breastfed baby because you can measure out and see how much the baby feeds when you bottle-feed instead of breastfeeding.
Most babies will stop themselves when they are full while nursing, but many parents will continue to pressure the child to nurse to encourage healthy growth and help them to fall asleep. While these are well-intentioned reasons to continue to breastfeed even after your baby is full, you may end up feeding your baby more food than they need.

Why Does Overfeeding Happen?
There are many reasons to explain why and how parents fall into a feeding pattern that is not beneficial to a baby and leads to overfeeding. Because an infant cannot tell you when they’re full, we must rely on fullness cues, which can be challenging to interpret.
The following are some of the main reasons new parents may be feeding their infants too much milk and putting their child at increased risk for issues. Hopefully, with the following knowledge, you can avoid overfeeding your baby.
Not Understanding Baby Hunger Cues
It is perfectly normal to assume a baby is hungry when the baby cries. After all, when a newborn cries, most of the time, experience tells us it’s because they are tired, hungry, or need a new diaper. If the diaper is dry and a nap isn’t required, then most new parents assume that the baby needs feeding.
This, however, is not always the case. Babies cry and make sucking gestures for many reasons. Keep in mind that they have a limited ability to communicate their needs to you. Babies do these things when they are cold, bored, tired, and sometimes for no real reason at all.
Not Understanding Fullness Cues
Babies have a very small intestinal tract, and when they feel full, it happens fast. They may all at once get full shortly after a feeding has begun. If the baby turns away from the bottle or breast, pushes the nipple out of their mouth, or grimaces with a closed mouth, they are most likely full, and you can stop feeding.
The first few months with a baby are the most difficult to learn the cues, as each baby seems to develop its own habits and cues, but if you pay enough attention, you will be able to decipher what each cue means.
Not paying attention to these cues can lead to feedings mistakenly attributed to hunger. Babies aren’t good at self-regulating, and just because they will continue to eat after they are full, it doesn’t mean that they should.
Eating Too Quickly
Formula-fed babies, in particular, are at risk of overfeeding due to the flow of the bottle nipple on the bottle they are using.
Infants, newborn to three months of age, should use a slow flow nipple so that you can slow down the amount of food that is coming from the bottle at one time. Babies cannot self-regulate the flow and often try to eat quickly to keep up with the flow.
This can not only lead to overfeeding but also lazy eating. When a nipple of the wrong flow size is being used, a baby can actually stop sucking to get the milk or formula out of the bottle and therefore doesn’t have to work for it at all. This can cause the baby to finish a bottle-feeding very quickly, leaving mothers to think that their children must still be hungry.

Additives in the Milk
Ill or underweight babies are sometimes advised by their pediatrician to add substances like rice cereal to the bottle or formula or breast milk so that the baby gets more nutrients and can gain weight.
While this is good for gaining weight in a tiny or ill baby, it can lead to overfeeding in a healthy baby. Rice cereal fills the belly faster, with less effort than pressuring a sick baby to eat constantly. Since a small baby cannot eat solid foods, it’s a great way to ensure that an underweight baby gets enough nutrients.
Parents worry that they are depriving their child of nutrients and sometimes add rice cereal to a healthy baby’s bottle, which can lead to too much at once, and overfeeding.
Understanding How Much Milk Baby Needs
A baby’s body grows in stages, and as the baby grows, they respond by needing more food. Knowing exactly how much formula or pumped breast milk a baby needs will help you to keep from overfeeding.
How many ounces should a 1-month old eat?
A baby needs about 2.5 ounces per pound he or she weighs each day. This habit should continue until about three months of age.
From three to six months of age, they should have about 2 ounces of milk for each pound the child weighs each day.
From six to nine months, your child should be fed 1.5 ounces of milk for each pound the child weighs each day.
Sticking to a feeding plan that is appropriate for your baby’s weight and age is essential to keep them from overeating. When you feed according to their weight and age, you shouldn’t have to worry about any health concerns that can come from feeding too much.
Is My Baby Overfed?
The following are some ways to tell if your baby is eating too much.
- Fussiness or crying immediately after a feed
- Baby spits up after most feedings
- The baby is constipated or pulls legs up and has a hard tummy
- Not sleeping well
- A lot of gas
- Diarrhea or a lot of loose bowel movements
- Breastfeeding includes thrashing and pulling away from the breast