
Why Am I Losing Weight During Pregnancy Without Morning Sickness

why am i losing weight during pregnancy without morning sickness

Weight gain is the standard when it comes to pregnancy. As such, some women ask themselves, “Why am I losing weight during pregnancy without morning sickness?”

Pregnancy weight gain is typically expected, even though that old saying of “now you’re eating for two” isn’t accurate. So if you lose weight during pregnancy and aren’t suffering from severe morning sickness, you are probably concerned.

This article will explore weight loss during pregnancy, especially when you aren’t experiencing nausea or morning sickness, which is the usual culprit, at least in the first trimester. 

However, remember that this article is not meant to replace or stand in for a doctor’s advice. You should consult your doctor anytime you experience substantial weight loss during pregnancy.

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Is it normal to lose weight during pregnancy?

Weight loss during the first trimester of pregnancy is not unheard of, and it’s essential to remember that when we use the word “normal,” we use it very loosely. 

No two pregnancies are the same or even really alike.

Most women have entirely different pregnancies when comparing their first and subsequent pregnancies. So if you had a baby, and this pregnancy isn’t like your first, that’s not necessarily something you need to worry about. 

Similarly, if your pregnancy is not like your sister’s, friend’s, mother’s, or coworker’s, don’t worry immediately. Everybody is different.

Keeping that in mind, let’s look at pregnancy weight loss and why it may occur.

Why am I losing weight during pregnancy without morning sickness?

There are many reasons why you may be losing weight during pregnancy (especially in early pregnancy), even if you don’t have morning sickness to contend with. Let’s break it down now to lend these issues a bit of clarity.

why am i losing weight during pregnancy without morning sickness

1. Pre-pregnancy body mass index

In the first trimester of pregnancy, from conception to the end of the thirteenth week, some women find that they are losing weight, when it is common to expect pregnancy weight gain.

If you are one of these women, your body mass index (BMI) is an excellent place to start investigating why.

If you have a high BMI, meaning that you were overweight up to very obese before you found out you were pregnant, you may not be adding weight because your body does not need to.

Plus-sized women often experience a more substantial weight loss during the first trimester because they are changing their diets and eating habits. Instead of drinking soda or eating processed snacks and food, you may be switching to mostly water and snacks like fresh veggies and fruits.

Due to these diet changes, you may lose weight during pregnancy simply because of the lifestyle change. So if you lose a few pounds, it’s worth mentioning to your doctor, but usually not something you need to worry about.

2. Change in diet nutrition

If you lose weight during pregnancy but don’t have morning sickness, it may be due to your implemented dietary changes.

You have to cut out alcohol, soda, and many other foods when you are pregnant, and abstaining from them and replacing them with healthy food may be why you are not gaining weight.

The calorie intake needed for a healthy woman in early pregnancy is only about 300 extra calories per day. To give you an idea of what that means, that’s a cup of cottage cheese. That’s all. 

So if you don’t gain weight initially and instead see a slight drop in body weight during the first trimester, it may be because you are more diet conscious than before you were pregnant.

3. Morning sickness isn’t just in the mornings

During your first trimester, you may get advice from friends and family about surviving morning sickness. 

All the while, you may think that you have been untouched by it because you don’t wake up in the morning and run to the bathroom to puke.

However, the term “morning sickness” is very misleading. It doesn’t always mean that you’re vomiting. And it doesn’t always happen in the mornings. 

If you are not gaining weight during the first trimester, and you’re not puking in the mornings, but you find yourself nauseous in the late afternoons and evenings to the point that you don’t eat anything, that is still considered morning sickness.

Anything from mild to severe nausea, especially during the first trimester, with or without vomiting, is considered morning sickness. So if you are experiencing minor weight loss due to this instead of gaining weight, you may have been tricked into thinking that the time of day meant you had escaped the common side effect of first-trimester pregnancy.

If this is the case, keep in mind that a minimal weight gain is needed, especially this early on, and depending upon your body weight, a few pounds lost isn’t always something you need to concern yourself with. 

Any sudden weight loss should be reported to your doctor immediately.

4. Food aversions

In the same wheelhouse as nausea is food aversion. This can occur in the first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, or throughout your entire pregnancy. 

You may consume too few calories daily because certain foods or smells make you feel “turned off” to the thought of food in general, so you are inadvertently not eating enough.

Most women experience food aversion at some point in the pregnancy, which may be why you haven’t gained as much weight as expected.

5. Miscarriage

Stop. Take a deep breath. While miscarriage occurs, exploring every avenue and speaking with your doctor before assuming the worst is essential. 

A sudden decrease in weight gain and the disappearance of pregnancy symptoms could mean poor baby growth or miscarriage.

Often accompanied by cramps, especially in the back, and/or light bleeding, this is something that you will need to have checked by your doctor.

6. Hormonal imbalance

Hormones are haywire when you’re pregnant. Your growing baby requires a lot of energy, and the healthy stuff you’ve most likely started eating in place of the not-so-healthy stuff can also throw your hormones for a loop.

Pregnancy hormones can cause an overactive thyroid or even gestational diabetes, affecting your weight during pregnancy. 

Your weight while pregnant will fluctuate normally, but what occurs when you have undiagnosed diabetes or another hormonal issue can cause weight loss during pregnancy.

Understanding pregnancy weight gain

7. Electrolyte disturbance

Electrolytes are essential to your health and necessary to maintain energy and hydration. Lab tests can be run for this and other imbalances to determine if this is the culprit. 

Your doctor may order tests to identify why you lose weight during the first or second trimester.

8. Impending labor

If you are in the third trimester and are losing weight instead of experiencing any weight gain, it may mean that labor is just around the corner. 

Many women report losing or failing to gain the weight right before labor occurs. So if you are close to your due date and have not been losing weight until now, it may mean that baby is on the way!

Symptoms of not eating enough while pregnant

If you are not eating enough and getting the calories you need during pregnancy; then some symptoms will start to show themselves. Your body will begin to burn through fat stores to get the energy required to support the baby’s development.

A baby’s growth will need a lot of energy, and if there are no more calories to draw from the food you usually eat, the body starts to use its body fat to remove that energy, decreasing weight while pregnant.

You will notice the following symptoms when you are not eating enough during pregnancy.

Weight loss

Losing weight indicates that you may not eat enough during pregnancy. A woman eating the appropriate number of healthy calories will typically increase from their starting weight gradually. 

If you lose weight, there’s a good chance you aren’t eating enough.

Try to eat smaller meals several times throughout the day rather than three big meals to gain enough weight to stay energized and healthy. Eating healthier foods rather than foods that contain empty calories.


You will feel tired and drained if you lose weight while pregnant due to not consuming enough food. This is because your body’s fat stores are being preyed upon to support the pregnancy.

Stored fat is the first to go when your body needs more calories to maintain health conditions during pregnancy.

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Dizziness and nausea

Pregnancy depends upon the mother’s ability to create a safe and cozy home for the baby. And to do that, you have to stay healthy. 

If you are not getting enough to eat, you may notice that you are getting dizzy when on your feet or are up and moving around. You may see that you are nauseous, even though it’s the third trimester, and you should be over the risk of things like vomiting.

In severe cases, you may even vomit because your body is sick with malnutrition. Frequent vomiting leads to dehydration, requiring intravenous fluids to hydrate fetal and uterine tissue. 

Fluids having to be placed in your body is one of many treatment options, but eating more and staying hydrated is the easiest way to correct this.

Extra weight is okay during pregnancy

Many women feel the stigma of whatever that number on the weighing scale is, even when pregnant. 

However, even though your favorite actress looks like she gained three ounces while carrying twins last year, that is not typical, and it is perfectly normal and even expected for you to gain weight while pregnant.

While you should maintain your health and continue to get up and get exercise, you should not ever focus on weight loss or try to lose weight while pregnant unless specifically told to by a doctor. 

And even in these cases, you should ask for a referral to a nutritionist who can help you lose weight safely with a carefully thought-out meal plan. Don’t intentionally put yourself on a restrictive diet or try to lose weight while pregnant.

If you cannot help but lose weight during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about your weight loss, and see if it needs to be investigated further. 

However, trying to lose weight due to body shame or depression during pregnancy is not healthy for you or your baby.

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